In Memory Of The Loved Ones That We
Have Lost....
May They Rest In Peace
And God shall wipe all
tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death; neither
sorrow, nor crying,
neither shall there be anymore pain; for the former things are
passed away."
Rev. 21:4

Scimeca/Golfo Family
Scimeca 01/06/1902 - 11/15/84
Anna (Golfo)
Scimeca 08/16/04 - 12/23/86
Rosario Pepe
10/31/1901 - 07/25/92
Anna (Scimeca)
Leto 11/26/31 - 10/27/92
Scimeca 12/23/29 - 03/25/97
Antonina Pepe
08/25/06 - 12/02/97
Joseph Scimeca
(son of Arcangelo Scimeca) 09/18/56 - 02/13/01
Joseph Scimeca
(son of Santo Scimeca) 12/12/56 - 10/16/01

If you would like a loved one's name
added to this memorial, please e-mail with the information
