In Memory Of The Loved Ones That We
Have Lost....
May They Rest In Peace
And God shall wipe all
tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death; neither
sorrow, nor crying,
neither shall there be anymore pain; for the former things are
passed away."
Rev. 21:4

Morosco/Spinella/Saluppo Family
Americo "Vito" Morosco abt 1881 - 02/05/1961
Agnesina (Devincentis)
Morosco abt 1883 - 04/07/1961
Teresa (Ippolito)
Saluppo 02/08/1884 - 11/25/1965
Ronald Rizio
10/11/1929 - 09/1985
Loreto Morosca
11/23/1906 - 06/18/1988
Jean (Spinella)
Morosca 01/28/1906 - 04/07/1991
Montalbano 07/14/1928 - 01/13/1999
Richard Grap
07/08/1948 - 08/29/2000
Edward Sproule
11/01/1923 - 11/30/2000
Armando "Chip" Morosco 06/17/1924 - 02/01/2001
Tecla Foschini
07/28/1910 - 04/03/2001
(Mahoney) Morosca 10/16/1943 - 01/07/2002
Dolores (Cianfrone)
Keehn - 12/26/1943 - 05/23/2002
John "Jack" Cerruti
03/01/1923 - 08/06/2002
Agnes (Morosca)
Sproule 09/18/1926 - 08/29/2002
Belinda (Morosca)
Cianfrone 05/31/1912 - 12/31/2002
Foschini 1934 - 06/14/2003

If you would like a loved one's name
added to this memorial, please e-mail with the information
