Photos From Kerri & Lou's Wedding

June 28, 2003


My apologies for the poor quality of these photos. The developer said the

cause of this was due to heat exposure. The film was packed in my suitcase

inside the trunk of the car as we traveled from Florida to New Jersey.



                             The beautiful bride!                               Jessica & Aidan were adorable & did a

                  Mrs. Louis H. Waibel leaving the church.              great job as flower girl & ring bearer.




                Two beautiful ladies, Sandy, mother of                        First dance as husband & wife.

                the bride & Dolores, grandmother of the                                      

                  bride are escorted out of church by a

                           handsome Eddie.         



                     Bridesmaid Allyson hams it up!                    Bridesmaid Kelly poses with brother, Douglas.



                  Usher Josesph takes a moment from his

                   good time to let me take his picture.               Joseph escorts Jessica to the dance floor.


Eddie & Sandy smile happily for the camera.



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